
What a semester!

This is my extended semester here at MSU. I should have gone back to my country in January. Because my second son was born here and he was too young to travel at that time, I had to change my plan to stay one more semester. I have always wanted to learn more about writing in English properly. But I was assigned to TESOL major before I came here. I was interested in technology and that is the reason why I chose this course. These days, when I was writing my seminar paper and composing my E-portfolio, I realized that how much I have learned through this course. Many things are new to me, for example, citeulike, blogger, and gmail docs. These are wonderful resources that I am sure I am going to use in my future teaching. I thought I knew how to use computer and technology, the fact is that I am using only a small section of the technology around me. I will recommend this course to my friends if they are working on their English major, especially L2 learners.
I am going back to China on June 1st and this is the last post here. I had a wonderful time for this extended semester. Thanks to Dr. Cadle and my classmates, I am able to learn so much in the field of writing.
Wish you all the best!

2 条评论:

  1. We'll miss you, Sam! It has been great to be in class with you. I'm looking forward also to your final portfolio.

  2. Have a good trip back home, Sam. I wish you the best!
